Our Services
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Over years, we have been involved in Electrical Engineering Power Projects, Solar Installation Projects, High Voltage Power panel and Medium Voltage Panel Installation
Our Services includes but not limited to: Electrical Engineering services of various standard such as, Overhead transmission and distribution lines ranging from 33KV and 11KV, Transformer installation, System Earthling, House Wiring of various types, High Voltage and Medium Voltage Power Panel Installation, General Supply and Procurements of Electrical appliances and Equipment’s. Electrical Design, Solar Installations indoor and Outdoor: Street lighting construction and maintenance {solar and Electrical Powered).
Unicon Global Investment is duly registered with corporate Affairs Commission, and certified by Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency to undertake Electrical Installation and construction Works in Nigeria. Unicon Global Investment has the capacity to undertake large and complex tasks.
Our project delivery is comparable to international best practice as we carry out project with qualified and well-trained labour forces and we maintain quality systems protection by providing safety and Environmental hazard free.
Our Expertise & Services
We offer general and specialized services that cover all types and levels including:-
Electrical installation
Civil engineering Works
Building Construction
Rural Electrification
Substation Construction
Supplies of Electrical Component
General Contracts and Consultancy Services
System Earthing
IWe are in partnership with Federal Government and Agencies, MDG’s and Private companies to towards ensuring that every community that yields its right of lands, properties along shall be provided with basic amenities as benefit for infrastructures. To this end, our social responsibilities to host communities will come in contract form as to the course of executing projects that has been viewed broadly from the perspective of :
- Establishing good and cordial working atmosphere
- Well and good articulated compensational programme
- Provision of educational and youth’s development amenities
- Socio-economic and environmental survey to determine the projects implication as to health and hazards.
- Inventory and demography of all affected properties as to been valued
6. Provision and encouragement through incentives.
Vision Actualization
Management of UNICON GLOBAL INVESTMENT NIG. LTD., has qualified professionals who are well-experienced, dynamic, and have proven knowledge for the best job satisfaction. The management provides a safe working and career prospective condition and good compensation as part of the growth productivity of its staffs.
Consultancy Services
In all fields of endeavors as outlined above in our services, we provide efficient consultancy services to our clients. We do ensure qualitative and professional results.
Health Safety And Environment
UNICON GLOBAL INVESTMENT NIG. LTD., in recognition of the importance of Health safety and Environment (HSE) ensures all works and activities are done to reduce and eliminate accidents or injury to its workers and 0thers, as well as loss of materials during and after projects
Our Clients